By: Elizabeth Louis
Your thoughts will make or break you. We’ve all heard it. Average people hear it and never do anything about it; the upper class does “something” more often than not, but the world-class swears by this fact.
Philosopher after philosopher, religion after religion continue to remind us that thoughts and words are powerful. Even neuroscience and psychology echo this.
Neuroscience has proven that humans work to create their most dominant thoughts. Such a finding makes sense, seeing as most of what we think about in a day is repetitive from the previous day. Plus, our brain highlights the stimuli we tell it to focus on, strengthening those thoughts.
Each day, we continue to think about the same thing, rarely shifting our thoughts until we consciously decide to do so or allow something more powerful than us to change our minds and hearts.
Humans are creatures of habit. We only have slight differences from animals, but those differences hold immense power—a truth that world-class thinkers take advantage of, unlike the average-minded person who is just on autopilot.
Check in with yourself. What thoughts are you telling yourself? What words are you speaking day in and day out? What consumed you? Do you know? Is your thinking more positive or negative?
Better question: Do you like your life?
If not, understand that part of your problem is caused by the thoughts and words you choose to agree with. Remember, we always have a choice.
Average-minded people allow careless thinking and speaking to dominate them. They say whatever they want. They are unfilled and most definitely not intentional, which is why so much complaining, grumbling, fear, and negative thinking consumes them. They have no mental boundaries or discipline.
The world-class is the opposite, understanding that their thoughts and words are extremely powerful. The world-class understands that you can think your way to success as long as your actions mirror those thoughts. The average-minded person is in a tennis match with themselves regarding this concept. Some days, they believe it to be true, and other days, they are filled with doubt — Like a ship being tossed about in a storm. Ultimately, they are unable to pick a side.
The champion has the focus and the discipline of an elite sniper — keeping their eye on the target and never allowing themselves to be distracted by negative, toxic, or fear-filled thoughts.
No. Do you know what world-class thinkers do instead? They only speak what they want to see. Since they speak with optimism, hope, and positivity, they end up growing a bountiful harvest. Why? Because they understand something that the average-minded don’t. Thoughts and words are like seeds.
Champions see their thoughts and words like seeds. The more they speak a thought, the more they water it into their mental garden. They understand that their tongue has the power to bring them life or death, victory or defeat, success or failure. Don’t misunderstand. Champions understand they can’t control the situation’s outcome, but they can control their effort. They speak what they want to see and focus on where they have control, which is with themselves—controlling their perspective, mindset, and language.
The average-minded wants to control everything outside of their control, but the World-class focuses on controlling what they can -which is only themselves.
Think about it: How would your life change if you only spoke what you wanted to see? How would your life improve if all you spoke were pleasant, loving, and faith-filled words? How would your confidence be if you spoke life, kindness, compassion, and support over yourself? How would you feel if you made it to the end of the week, refraining from speaking about what you hated, what frustrated you, and so forth?
Let me share a personal story. I struggled with body dysmorphia because of the anorexia I developed as a teenager. In my mid-twenties, I was tired of “feeling” fat. When I learned this concept of the power of your thoughts and words, I decided to stop saying, “I’m FAT.” I asked my boyfriend at the time to catch me saying it so my awareness could grow. In time, I was catching that thought. Instead of speaking it out, I would say I love myself. I see myself the way God sees me. Other times, I’d say I’m working toward my dream body.
When I stopped speaking death over myself – you know what happened? My perspective began to morph. My obsession over my weight started to decrease, and now, about ten years later, I do not struggle with body dysmorphia — all because I stopped speaking about what I didn’t want to see. My relationship with myself improved.
Your thinking and tongue are the rudders of your life. You will create what you constantly think about. If science has proven this, and if religion says this, then don’t you think it’s true?
Action Plan:
Make the decision right now to pick one thing you constantly complain about and stop it by reframing it to a positive or not saying it. When you are tempted to say what you want to discontinue saying, change your focus. Distract yourself. Focus on something else. You can do this, and doing so can help you become a world-class thinker.
Remember to lean on God to help you. You have the Holy Spirit inside of you.
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