By: Elizabeth Louis
How often are you finding yourself jealous or envious of another?
Perhaps you are getting jealous or envious of your child, spouse, sibling, friend, or stranger. Or maybe, you do not struggle with such intense emotions. Of course, on the other hand, perhaps you were a bit like me and didn’t realize that the anger or dislike you had towards someone was fueled by envy and jealousy.
It’s AMAZING to me how subtle the spirit of envy and jealousy can be!
A few years ago I began researching and studying what the Bible says about envy and jealousy. I am so grateful that God led me to study such an intense emotion because I walked out of my bondage with jealousy and envy.
Honestly, I had NO IDEA I was struggling with envy and jealousy. I was shocked at how subtle, sneaky, and covert envy and jealousy can be in the human soul and spirit. Sure, there were times, here and there, where I noticed that malevolent spirit showing up inside of me, but I would take those thoughts captive, bring them into obedience to the Word of God, and move forward.
However, as I reflect, I see that the spirit always played some role in my discontentment in life. Unfortunately, I didn’t always notice it because of how quiet and sneaky it moves and entangles itself within a person. You see, the spirit of envy and jealousy are brilliant actors and can disguise themselves or attach themselves to other intense emotions so delicately that it goes unnoticed by many.
Here are 5 things that God says Envy & Jealousy can do.
1. Jealousy is one step short of murder & can cause murder too!
Yep, that’s right! If you turn to 1 Samuel 18:6-9, you will learn that jealousy can cause you to resent a rival, making you wish they were dead. When you want a person dead, you start thinking about evil and destructive things happening to that person. If that is not enough for your mind, then you might even begin seeking ways to harm that person in either action or words. Remember, Jesus says thinking harmful things about a person is the same as committing the act. God will hold us responsible for everything we do on earth (1 Cor. 3:11-15) and for every idle word we speak (Matthew 12:36).
Do you remember that Cain killed his brother, Abel, out of jealousy (Genesis 4:1-16)?
1 John 3:12 tells us not to be like Cain because he was evil. Jealousy is part of evil, whereas Abel was righteous. Please don’t be like Cain!
2. It causes us to be envious & jealous of sinners and evil
I know, I know. It doesn’t make sense. Why would righteous, God-fearing people be envious or jealous of sinners? I can’t speak for you, but this is proof that envy and jealousy are quite demonic to me. Now, yes, Exodus 20:17 tells us not to covet, but yet here we are talking about how easy it is for righteous, God-loving people to become envious of lost, self-righteous individuals.
Let’s be honest, though! It can be EXTREMELY easy to envy those who APPEAR to be getting ahead, especially if you still value worldly ways and things.
Here’s the thing, while that sinner might be currently prospering—it will only be for a time! Proverbs 23:17 tells us that these sinners are disregarding what God wants, so in turn, they don’t have any real future. It can be so hard to remember that earth is not our home! God promises hope & a fantastic future for His followers, EVEN if it is not achieved on earth.
Believers are warned not to get upset over the apparent success of evildoers or sinners. We are to clearly NOT envy the wicked. Proverbs 24:19 tells us that evildoers have nothing good to look forward to, and instead, the light of their life will be extinguished.
In Psalm 37:1, David also tells us “not to worry about the wicked or envy those who do wrong.” Again, no matter how much these people have, they will VANISH like grass that withers and dies. However, those who follow Jesus live differently.
Believers, in the end, will have far greater treasures for eternity. What the unbeliever gets on earth can only last up to a lifetime (but many times, the person is more worried about keeping their treasure that they cannot enjoy it), whereas the benefits of following God last forever!
You get to choose the one you go after. I pray it’s God’s way.
3. Covetousness is one of the most insidious evils in the human heart
Covetousness is dangerous! Don’t believe the lie that it’s not!
Oh, how comforting Luke 12:15 is for when your flesh or the devil tries to convince you that you need more money or things! Jesus is clearly telling us that his Kingdom has nothing to do with being wealthy, which is why his disciples must guard against every kind of greed and yearning for what we don’t have! Even back then, people had an insatiable lust for material possessions. In fact, wanting to obtain more and more is ONE of the strongest drivers in life if you are being led by the flesh.
While the world screams “YOU NEED THIS,” “YOU NEED MORE,” or “YOU CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT THIS,” Jesus humbly and consistently speaks about the danger of riches. Unfortunately, not many people are afraid of riches. The reality is that the world will try to measure you by your bank account, yet Jesus is clearly telling us that “Life is not measured by how much you own.”
How do you respond to the constant pressure to obtain more? Remember, the only way to true lasting satisfaction is through a relationship with Lord Jesus. It’s my prayer that if you are struggling with this, that you will soon discover the great abundance in a close relationship with God, who supplies blessing and provision beyond our wildest dreams.
4. Jealousy is more dangerous than anger
Unrighteous anger causes a person to ignore God’s greatest command to love. Well, guess what? Jealousy and envy do the same too. However, it’s much worse. Why?
Proverbs 27:4 tells us how dangerous jealousy is! The reason jealousy is more hazardous than anger is how quickly it can normalize, becoming a part of a person’s spirit and going undetected for years. Some people do brew on their anger while others need to explode, but it is typically short-lived regardless of how it manifests. However, jealousy is not! Jealousy gnaws at you, which is why it is more dangerous.
No relationship or person can bear the weight of jealousy. Where in your life do you need to surrender your jealousy over to God?
5. It causes people to work hard & try and be better than other people
In Ecclesiastes 4:4, Solomon tells us that workaholics are often driven by greed, envy, and a constant desire to stay ahead of everyone else. We do live in a society that screams WORK HARDER. It’s a society that believes it’s FOOLISHNESS to trust God for our provision while being obedient and righteous to His ways. Of course, after the world screams such a lie, then it motivates us by fear saying IF YOU DON’T DO THAT, SOMEONE ELSE WILL, and YOU WILL LOSE YOUR OPPORTUNITY. What garbage!
What we fail to notice is society has omitted God from the cards. Solomon talks about two extremes in this chapter – workaholic to laziness, and both are foolish and irresponsible. Much of what God asks us to do is like the Goldilocks syndrome. The answer is moderation – shocking! You know, it’s not too much, and it’s not too little. It’s just right, but that “just right” portion requires God’s help, support, direction, love, favor, and sovereignty.
I firmly believe it is extremely difficult to achieve the Goldilocks scenario without Jesus’ yoke on your neck and the Holy Spirit inside of you, and a mind that has been renewed to God’s truth.
God helps us walk that fine line of moderation. God wants you to enjoy all the gifts and blessings He has given you, and you can’t do that if you work too much or are too lazy. You also must realize that it is God, himself, who gives out the assignments and rewards; it’s not you!
Lastly, we are here on earth not to serve ourselves! We are here to serve the Lord and others! It’s hard to serve someone when jealousy has you in bondage.
PRAYER: Father God, Thank You for Your Word. Thank You for sending Your begotten Son to the Cross for us. Your love is endless, timeless, and perfect. Father, please help me not to fall into the scheme of being jealous or envious of another. I don’t want to have such evil in my heart. When I am jealous or envious of another, please show me why I feel that way and then change my heart. Help me respond with encouragement, thanksgiving, and love when I notice jealousy or envy wanting to take me over. Father, help me to do Your will and only Your will. In Jesus’ name, amen.
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