By: Elizabeth Louis
Did You Know Talking Too Much and Too Little Can Destroy Your Career and Hinder Your Executive Presence
Most careers require an average level of sociability to be a score of 6. However, traits are subtle, and other characteristics can influence you to be more or less social.
When I say social, I am referring to being an extrovert, ambivert, or introvert.
An extrovert is someone who’s interests and energies goes toward the outer world of people and things rather than the inner world of subjective experiences. Extraverts are relatively outgoing, gregarious, sociable, and openly expressive. There’s a misbelief that extraverts get their energy from people. This is true but also inaccurate too. everyone will feel exhausted by too much of anything. Now, extraverts are easily drained by being alone but again it’s a spectrum, we all need down and alone time. The bottom line is you’re an extravert if you enjoy socializing and talking to others. Understand the manifestation of this can change based off your wiring. For instance, you can be a task-oriented extravert or people oriented. Task would mean you are going to be social when you’re doing something – sitting down and just being with people and talking is not your thing in most cases. You like to socialize around something – like work or hobbies.
Extroverts are going to be great entrepreneurs, lawyers, certain medical field positions, service providers – hairdresser, salespeople, supervisors or managers, C-Suite positions, and actors to name a few. You’d want your personality to be at least 70% extraverted.
Next is an ambivert, is one who displays characteristics of introversion and extraversion in equal degrees. For an ambivert everything is going to depend on the right context. It’s the Goldie Lox syndrome – needs both in a perfect ratio. Usually, ambiverts prefer to work alone – so if you’re an ambivert you have high autonomy – again you can learn your personality traits by taking my performance development assessment – it’s $39.95 right now to see your scores and get that handout. Or you can schedule a needs analysis assessment with me for and I will debrief you on your results telling you exactly what is hindering and how to shift your mindset.
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Ambiverts are also outgoing, but they require more alone time than an extrovert. They are like a light switch – when they are on, they are on but when they are off they are off. Individuals who are tradesmen, laboratory technicians, medical/dental assistants, nurses, drafting technicians, computer programmers, analysts, mechanics, toolmakers, machinists, etc., need a lower sociability score. The ideal psychometrics for people who work in these careers is about a 4-6.
Lastly you have an introvert, who are individuals whose orientation is toward the internal private world of oneself and one’s inner thoughts and feelings, rather than toward the outer world of people and things. Again, all these sociability traits are on a spectrum – it’s a continuum of attitudes and behaviors. Introverts are relatively more withdrawn, retiring, reserved, quiet, and deliberate. They mute or guard expression of positive affect, are more skeptical and prefer to work alone. A true introvert will also be highly autonomous.
Introverts are great at data entry, computer engineers, scientist, paralegals, graphic designer, IT, librarians, writer, and even certain medical fields like psychiatry. 1-3
Here are 3 Suggestions for Low Sociability
#1: Is it your preference?
Do you genuinely prefer to be alone, or are you staying isolated because of your past experiences with relationships? If you had a traumatic childhood, experienced frequent death as a child, or had unsatisfactory relationships with people in the past, you may be cutting your nose off despite your face. Take a second and reflect on this. If you prefer to be alone, it’s best to have a job where you can be isolated and left alone. Be mindful that your aloof behavior may limit open communication with others.
#2. Are you lonely?
If you are lonely and want more friends, try to connect with people who have the same values, interests, and hobbies. Look for people you naturally feel psychologically safe with. Work on growing your assertiveness and being more open-minded. Try to live by the motto “Yes and…” and see where that gets you.
#3. Reflect on how your attitudes!
What is your tone, attitude, behaviors, body language, and words when you engage with people? Ask people you trust and respect to give you feedback about how you interact with others. The fact of the matter is that we need people, and you can’t succeed independently.
Tips to be mindful of: If you scored low in Recognition, Exhibition, Trust, Nurturance, Assertiveness, Boldness, Responsibility, and Self-discipline traits, here’s what I want you to do. Pick one and work to grow it. Likewise, if you have high autonomy, this could cause you to be alone more than you may want.
Here are 3 Suggestions for High Sociability
#1. Get a job that allows you to leverage the social butterfly within.
There are many jobs out there where being outgoing is a HUGE attribute. To feel more satisfaction in your career, it will be vital to have a job that allows you to leverage your extroversion.
#2. Challenge Yourself
Challenge yourself to meet people who are outside your current connection. Find people with different beliefs than yours too. This is great to do if you want to be a leader.
#3. Be Strategic
WARNING: Be mindful that your extroversion ways are used appropriately. Being overly social, especially at the wrong time, can cause you to reduce performance, procrastinate, and waste time at work.
Tips to be mindful of: High scores in Recognition, Self-Confidence, Conscientiousness, Contentment, Nurturance, Trust, Exhibition, Boldness, Tough-Mindedness, Composure, Coachability, and Responsibility will enhance your interactions with others. Low scores in these same traits can hinder your interactions with others.