By: Elizabeth Louis
“In a world of constant change, our understanding of truth evolves. Embrace the uncertainty of today’s truths, knowing they may be reshaped tomorrow.”
Average people will not move forward until they have the absolute certainty and clarity they seek. The irony is if you ask these average-minded people how they will know they have that desired certainty and clarity, they cannot give you a clear answer. As a result, they spend years and decades wasting their talent and potential looking for something they can’t even define.
The world-class thinker understands that the nature of truth and clarity evolves. What they know to be true today can quickly fade away by tomorrow. The world-class, unlike the average-minded, have learned to move forward with the little bit of clarity they have today, understanding that more clarity and certainty will come as they continue moving forward. Ultimately, the world-class has normalized the chaotic feeling of moving forward in the fog of uncertainty and not being as clear as they would like, believing that through moving and doing that, clarity will become more apparent.
The world-class thinker understands that they must live their lives based on the best understanding of the truth available to them at any moment. They also understand that the truth is subject to change, revising over time. Champions have accepted that they will fail and make mistakes, but they are hopeful and optimistic about such a reality because they know those moments provide tremendous learning and growth. Therefore, it’s not a failure or a mistake but a learning opportunity that propels them forward.
Average-minded people hope to base their current-moment choices on future-moment certainty—a reality that is impossible to know. They want to pick the path that will bring them the best possible results but will not choose a path until they are 100% certain it is the best one. Therefore, they never pick a path. They want a type of certainty regarding their decisions that no human can have.
Champions understand that everything is a risk and nothing is linear. These thinkers accept the simple truth that their actions and decisions can only be based on the knowledge and understanding available to them in the present moment, as the present moment is the only place they exist—a truth average-minded people can’t seem to grasp.
World-class thinkers don’t wait for absolute certainty before acting; instead, they make the best choice with the variables and information they have at the time, willing to recalibrate and stay agile as new information and variables enter the picture. Thus, they are nimble and prepared to call the truth of yesterday falsehood today.
Average people want all the answers to their future today before they move. They want the truth to be fixed and permanent. They hope always to have sustainable confidence and security about their choices. Champions recognize that their understanding of truth is not fixed or immutable. The world-class realizes that by doing and working towards their dreams, they will gain new experiences, evidence, and insights, which will cause their understanding of truth to evolve. The champion is open-minded in their pursuit of their dreams. They are willing to reconsider and challenge beliefs in light of new information.
Champions are advocates of pragmatic truth. Average-minded people are guided by idealistic truth. Since world-class thinkers are open to and acknowledge the practical and realistic considerations of truth, they emphasize the importance of being open to new perspectives and insights while being convicted through effort and consistent action; they will reach their dreams. The average-minded person wants a guarantee they will get their dreams, ultimately leading them to wait for a certainty that never comes. Which one will you be?
Action Plan:
- What is your big-picture goal in life?
- What are the steps you can take today?
- What does having confidence in your effort look like?
- Where must you change your perspective and mindset about fear of failure?
- List 20 things you can do right now to move you towards your dreams.
- What does it look like for you to be comfortable with not knowing and moving forward with foggy clarity and chaos?