By: Elizabeth Louis
Exhibition: The Lethal Power & Downfall of Seeking Attention
The Power & Downfall of Exhibition – Professionally Speaking
I’m going to quickly discuss the three levels of exhibition – High, Medium, and Low. Realistically, you either hate it, like it or don’t mind it depending on when and for what.
Someone with high exhibition is usually willing to go out of their way to have others notice them. Especially if they also have high recognition. They are more likely to do ridiculous crap when they have a low conscientiousness score. Some pretty dramatic people can be this way.
Medium (average) exhibition desires to be the center of attention but only during certain times, which will be defined by that person. It’s fair to say that those with an average exhibition may attract attention more tastefully than those with a high exhibition.
Low exhibition makes one uncomfortable when they are in the center of attention. If the person also has low recognition, the best thing you can do is leave them a note to congratulate them.
The Power of Exhibition:
- Some careers require people to be more colorful. If your profession requires you to be the center of attention, having high exhibition is fundamental for success.
- People enjoy being around individuals who can openly entertain & love people with appropriate behavior. Such people are valued, and their presence adds pleasure to social activities, functions, and events.
- High exhibition can influence a person to be a better manager, sales rep, and in any other career where demonstrative and outgoing behavior is necessary. Most likely, you will stand out more than others, which can cause people to see you.
The Downfall of Exhibition:
- High exhibition without maturity, wisdom, or self-control may greatly reduce productivity, especially if the individual is also high in sociability and low in control.
- Timid and shy individuals have difficulty in social settings and making new friends. Isolation is a lonely place to be.
- You may stand out so much that you get a bad reputation. Learning the timing of when to use this “power” is keen! High exhibition can lead to a person being socially and professionally ostracized.
The bottom line is that a degree of exhibition is required to be successful in business. How a person manifests their exhibition is critical. Remembering how you do it can greatly impact or harm those around you. People never forget how you made them feel!
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