By: Elizabeth Louis
One mental habit that separates the world-class from the average is the capability to intentionally raise their level of self-awareness. Unlike the average-minded individual, the world-class thinker has a core belief that happiness is connected to constantly learning, growing, challenging themselves, and intentionally sharpening their character. Average people have a core belief that happiness is linked to having instant fun and being comfortable with where and who they are.
Champions challenge themselves. Average people stay comfortable.
School, learning, and personal development are constant realities in the champion’s world. Due to their insatiable hunger to learn, they have realized that the more they learn, the more they don’t know.
Average people spend great energy protecting their comfort zone and keeping anyone out who disrupts their land of familiarity. For average people, mental comfort is everything and a cause worth dying for, even though they are unhappy and desire more deep down.
Champions live by the simple and absolute all-or-nothing statement that you are either living or dying. Likewise, they understand that one must be intentional in pursuing excellence. The world-class thinker has a mindset that consciously works to improve and push beyond their comfort zone to reach their full potential entering their promised land. Since they believe in themselves and constantly work to improve themselves, whether skill sets or intentionally raising their consciousness, they spend countless hours driving themselves to achieve their goals and make a meaningful impact in the world, not just their bank account.
The average-minded individual harbors a wishful aspiration to one day achieve excellence, yet their habits and mindsets steer them in the opposite direction. They may dream big, but they are ultimately unwilling to put in the necessary effort to turn those dreams into reality. Average-minded people often find solace in their imagination, but they shy away from the hard work required to actualize their potential. Consequently, fear, wishful thinking, and laziness become barriers to their progress, leading to a life of unfulfilled potential and regret.
The world-class curiously explores, questions, and learns from other top performers. They ask questions from other like-minded individuals that will help them increase their resilience, vitality, and relentless pursuit of excellence. The average-minded individual is on the couch watching other people live their lives.
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