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Champions Leverage the Law of Relativity

By: Elizabeth Louis

Champions Leverage the Law of Relativity

Average people measure and assign value to things based on their own limited and skewed perceptions. Typically, they fall into the rat race of life by trying to keep up with the Jones’.

While average minded people are focusing their time and energy on acquiring more — more possessions, power, and sensation — the world-class thinker is busy investing their time and energy into creating a written vision that is backed by emotions. Champions don’t spend one or two hours crafting an emotionally charged vision, they spend each day that follows rewriting their vision and goals. Champions understand doing so is a way they can reprogram their minds. They are focusing on setting the “board” in their favor.

Average minded people typically get in their own way when writing a vision. Either their self-talk is limiting them by whispering, it’s not possible, in their minds eye or by accepting to settle for way less than what is possible all because of their skewed perceptions.

What makes the world-class thinker exceptionally different from the average minded individual in pursuing their vision is they understand that to a bigger champion their vision may seem like child’s play. Such a realization empowers them to remove the intimidation factor which in turn raises their level of expectation.  The world class thinks, If that person can go from nothing to a billion dollars then I can do it too.

The champion understands the law of relativity and that their ideal life vision is possible because of the realities other champions have successfully achieved. They know all things are possible. The average minded person accepts the mass message of negativity and limitations.

In short, it’s like.: If you asked an average minded person if a million dollars is a lot of money you’d hear “YES.” However, if a world-class thinker would ask, “Compared to what?” They understand that it’s relative. One million dollars is a lot compared to a dollar but it’s minimal compared to a hundred million dollars.

This subtly may seem silly but the law of relativity can empower you to break from your limiting beliefs.  Consider asking the question, compared to what and see if it empowers you to think bigger and better.

Consider booking a COMPLIMENTARY mindset coaching session here.