By: Elizabeth Louis
Average people suppress, express, or escape their fears, or worse, live in denial. Most of the world is like an ostrich bearing its head in the sand. Average people are paralyzed by their fearful limiting beliefs, acting as if their fear is a sea of hungry tiger sharks ready to devour them, when in reality, their fears are as deep as a one-inch puddle.
Since average-minded people never face their fears, doing the work to detach from their mental bondage and reprogramming their minds, they end up attracting and developing more fears. Average people are oblivious to the psychological fact that the more fear you have, the more fear you attract in your life. Therefore, they live in this vicious cycle of breeding more and more fear, which ultimately limits them more and more, fueling increased unhappiness, insecurity, and unfulfillment.
Due to these feelings being so overwhelming within them and their inability to effectively process them and detach from them, average-minded people take out their fear of innocent people, blaming the outside world for their internal mayhem.
What’s worse is that average-minded people go to average-minded therapists to deal with their fears. They believe that if they express their fears, they can overcome them. In reality, expressing your feelings increases the feeling, giving it greater energy. Additionally, the average-minded therapist cannot help them resolve their unresolved fear because the average-minded therapist is doing the exact same things – suppressing, expressing, and escaping their own fears. Instead of overcoming their fears, the average-minded individual becomes more afraid.
What do world-class thinkers do with their fear?
The opposite of what average-minded people do, to put it simply.
Winners understand emotionally and fundamentally that everything they want is on the other side of fear. This truth quickly becomes many winners’ mantras, propelling them toward greatness.
The champion, through years of personal development work and learning their wiring and why they do what they do, has learned there is nothing to fear, which is why they face their fear-filled limiting beliefs.
The world-class thinker understands that their fear is just a limiting belief holding them back in life, not protecting them. What do they do to free themselves from fear?
First, the world-class thinker recognizes that they don’t need to be afraid of being afraid.
Secondly, they open themselves to all the sensations, thoughts, and feelings attached to their fears. They don’t fight this but radically accept the reality, leveraging mindfulness and an open-mindedness through curiosity, cultivating a safe space free of judgment and condemnation – ultimately, they bring love into the equation.
World-class thinkers rise into their higher consciousness, becoming spectators of their thoughts, feelings, and emotions, curiously observing the mental images that come to mind, the meaning they make from their fears, and the past experiences that assemble the limiting belief. Then, they do something that average people cannot comprehend. They lean into their fears.
They face the real core of the fear by metaphorically examining the elusive fear by asking powerful and solution-focused questions – like,
- what for?
- Or what’s the real meaning of this fear for me?
- Or what is that I really fear, and what is it for?
- What does it mean if that feared reality happens?
They continue to drill down until they identify that their real fear is a projection of feeling unworthy, insecure, unfulfilled, and unhappy. Then, they detach from these childlike concerns and illogical thinking by rising even higher into their higher consciousness.
The number one way they do this is by bringing love into the arena of their fears. This can be demonstrated through motivational, compassionate, and mindful self-talk and reminding themselves that they are worthy regardless of what they do or obtain.
The bottom line is that average-minded people run, suppress, and avoid their fears. Winners face them head-on by sitting with them, emotionally detaching from the meaning their internal child makes of the fear, and rising higher into their higher self. The average-minded person brings more fear into their fears, and the winner brings love into their fears, which extinguishes the fear.
Action plan
- Write a list of all your fears. Especially focus on the fears that are holding you back from achieving your most precious goals.
- Pick the fears that, if you conquered them, would have the greatest impact on your life
- Explore, examine, and curiously observe the sensations, emotions, feelings, thoughts, and images that come to mind. Continue to peel back all the layers by asking questions that examine the thoughts with curiosity as opposed to judging the thoughts.
- Choose to sit with the fear – allowing all the emotions and thoughts to run through you
- When you identify the thought that is really producing these fears, usually connected to feeling unworthy, unhappy, unfulfilled, or insecure, choose to let it go by realizing that doing the thing you fear will increase confidence, but it will not lead to your happiness, fulfillment, or worth.
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