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The Best Time Is Now

By: Elizabeth Louis

The Best Time is Now!

“I need a win before I can start. A small win. I need my confidence to improve before I start working with you.”

I hear this quite a bit.

A want-to-be-high-performer wants to be their best. But, when it’s time to show up, they find reasons not to. Of course, the reason is an excuse.

At the end of the day, they are not committed to achieving their goals. If it’s not the right time, then it’s because they don’t have enough money. The excuse is always linked to a limiting belief. It comes from a lack and fear mindset. A lack mindset will never get you to your dreams or goals, nor will fear. The irony is that a lack and fear mindset actually takes you further away from your goals!

Haven’t you noticed? Successful people don’t whine about not having enough. They don’t make excuses for not starting now.


They committed to doing the work and paying the cost. That meant, at times, the cost of their goals was inconvenient. Other times it was completely out of their comfort zone… and even financial comfort. They knew that a leap of faith was key to achieving their goals and they bravely committed to doing what it (ethically and legally) took to reach their goals. Even if that meant failing.

When they found a coach or tool to help them, they pounced on it! When they came across an opportunity to add another pipeline to their business – they said yes. Now it’s not an impulsive say “yes” to everything situation. Their research gave them a better idea of their needs. So, they could say “yes” more confidently when the thing they needed finally appeared.

They were on the lookout. They didn’t know exactly what they needed. But, they would know it when they saw it. When the perfect time came, they took the risk. They had to find an opportunity to get to the next level. There was no losing for them. Why? Because they were going to learn. They were going to grow. Even if it wasn’t the growth or ROI they had in mine**. They were determined to ensure that whatever they did would work and pay off in some way.**

Champions know something the average person won’t accept. Can you guess what it is?

It’s the fact that there is no perfect time.

Champions recognize that there will never be a better time and place than right now and right here to become a champion in your own game and life.

They also know that, at life’s messiest, lowest point, it’s best to start and go all in. Yet, average people want the chaos to end. They want a perfect life before they work on reaching the next level or their goals. They want control where they do not have control and forfeit control where they do have control. It’s insanity but also human nature.

So, you know what they continue doing? The same thing they were doing that led them to the point they were looking to get free from. They believe insanity will yield new results. But, doing the same thing will never get a different result.

The champions or world class leaders focus on controlling what IS in their control, and let go of things that are outside of their control. Most things are outside of your control. Plus, winner’s are committed. Therefore, they are willing to do things differently when it’s time for different results. Their discipline, commitment, and determination keep them sharp and intentionally doing what needs to be done.

Just imagine where you would be if you thought more like the winner here. What are things you have kicked down the road only to look back wishing you never kicked in the first place?

Like Bob Dylan once said, You are either busy being born or busy dying.

Life… time… is going to pass regardless of whether you are proactive or passive toward your goals. Why wouldn’t you be proactive?

I get it. Maybe you’re thinking…

I don’t have the time. In which case, I would say to you, isn’t that a limiting belief? What you’re saying is you don’t believe you have the time, but is that the truth?

We all have 24 hours a day, but the average employee wastes about 3 hours a day. I’m sure you find time to do meaningless things like watch TV shows, scroll on social media, etc. Also, aren’t you worth the time? Or is that the real issue? You don’t think you’re worth the time so you make other excuses to make you feel better?

Or maybe you’re thinking… I don’t have the energy. In which case, I would respond, isn’t that also a limiting belief? You believe that because right now you do not have the energy, you won’t gain the energy? What if you gained energy from doing what you know you need to do? What if the laziness of not doing what you hunger to do is zapping your energy? What if, to get the energy you want, you need to jump in and believe this could work?

Or maybe you’re thinking… I don’t have the money. Okay, this one is harder to combat. Some people truly do not have the money. I will never encourage someone to go into debt or live off their credit cards. Yet, I bet you could spend less money on some of the things you’re spending your money on. Or you could borrow money. Or you could sell something in your house.

My point is that when there is a will, there is a way. Champions and high performers have the will, which in turn makes the way to their goals.

But, average people limit themselves with excuses. These show up as doubt, fear, and negative self-talk. The truth is, a champion is not better than an average person. They simply do the work… they take the steps that are necessary to achieve their goals. They are committed. They know there is no perfect time.

The reality is by jumping in and doing it – taking the leap of faith – you will learn so much more than letting the opportunity pass you by. It’s by doing new things that you learn and sharpen your skillset.

The best time to start pursuing your goals is now. Waiting for the perfect moment, the right amount of confidence, or the ideal resources only delays your progress. Successful people don’t wait for perfect conditions; they take action despite the challenges and discomfort. They recognize that every moment spent procrastinating is a moment lost.

Action Plan:

  • Identify Your Goals: Write down your top three goals. Be specific about what you want to achieve.
  • Challenge Your Excuses: List the reasons you think you can’t start now. For each excuse, ask yourself if it’s a limiting belief. How can you reframe it? For example, instead of saying, “I don’t have time,” ask, “How can I better manage my time?”
  • Create a Plan: Break down each goal into smaller, manageable steps. What can you do today, this week, and this month to move closer to your goal?
  • Commit to Action: Set a daily or weekly schedule for working on your goals. Even small, consistent efforts can lead to significant progress over time.
  • Seek Support: If you need help, don’t hesitate to seek out resources, coaches, or mentors who can guide you. Champions recognize the value of support and seize opportunities for growth.
  • Monitor Your Progress: Keep track of your achievements and setbacks. Reflect regularly on what’s working and what needs adjustment. Celebrate your small wins to build momentum.
  • Stay Accountable: Share your goals and progress with a trusted friend or group. Accountability can help you stay committed and motivated.

Remember, the only way to move forward is to take that first step. Embrace the present, challenge your excuses, and commit to your goals. The best time is now, and the journey to becoming a champion starts with your decision to act today.

Consider booking a COMPLIMENTARY mindset coaching session here.